Brandon Colcord
Professor Frank
English 110
October 11th, 2021
Sullivan Reading Questions
Content questions
- When I first thought of the word and the way it was used I referenced it to the word genecide which means the deliberate killing of people so the term Readicide essentially means the killing of reading. The paragraph is explaining how our current reading habits brought on to us by our teachers who have made a test taking kind of environment when it comes to reading, because student’s just read the questions to the homework and find the answers within their readings rather than actually take the time to read and enjoy what is being read.This ultimately has resulted in us not having the skills required for college level reading.
- Sullivan uses several different points of view throughout his article. You have the Novelist who helps Sullivan show that reading is another way to communicate with others and express your thoughts through words. You also have the Sociologist who helps Sullivan prove the point that reading increases intelligence by explaining how important language skills developed through reading can be. Sullivan also used a Psychologist who literally explained how reading as fact improves brain functions. Sullivan used several very reliable and credible sources. Each proves that reading improves intelligence. As the reader you can’t help but feel every word is fact due to the sources chosen by Sullivan.
Interpretive or Analytical Questions
- Honestly, I have no idea how to distinguish the two from each other. Loving to read is the same as reading for pleasure. At least in my opinion I feel that Reading whenever it is convenient with no pressure or assignment due for what you’re reading. Then that is reading for pleasure, which however can lead into loving to read if you read for pleasure frequently. I don’t feel as if this makes a difference to me though. Either way I feel Sullivan has a valid claim which is to just get a book, article, or some kind of reading material in your hand because it will do nothing but benefit us as students.
- Although Sullivan doesn’t take all the other subjects into account, he does however explain to us students how reading doesn’t just benefit English class. Sullivan uses a variety of subject matter experts who explain that developing reading abilities help increase your abilities in other areas. Also increases your ability to communicate. Which to me would be super helpful when it comes to participation in classes.