Brandon Colcord
Professor Frank
English 110
October 17th, 2021
Questions For Engaging Ungar
- Misperception No. 2
Summary: The Misperception is that no one wants to hire a college student with a useless degree like liberal arts and this makes it so college students with liberal arts degrees have difficulty finding a job. Ungar states “Yes, recent graduates have had difficulty in the job market, but the recession has not differentiated among major fields of study in its impact.” (Ungar, Pg. 2, Par. 4) He is trying to explain how finding a job is hard for everyone at the time and the degree in which you held made no difference in that matter. In fact, Ugar talks about how the job market was actually looking for personnel with a liberal arts education due to the abilities these students would hold among others. Which makes me curious myself if my liberal arts degree that I’m currently pursuing will do the same by the time I graduate in 2025 because this took place in 2009.
- Misperception No. 3
Summary: This one explains how first gen college students and poor people shouldn’t pursue a liberal arts education because they need to focus on more profitable realistic goals. Pretty much saying poor people are going to struggle in order to receive this education that isn’t going to help them anyways. Ungar on the other hand explains how there are several benefits to a liberal arts education and coming into it with prior experiences in the job market does nothing but benefit you when it comes to liberal arts learning. He also gives an example on how anything is possible by pursuing it specifically in America because the opportunities are endless.
Work cited
Ungar, Sanford. “7 Major Misperceptions About The Liberal Arts” The Chronicle Of A Higher Education, February 28th, 2010, Pg. 6.