Brandon Colcord
Professor Frank
English 110
October 19th, 2021
Questions For Engaging CAS Core
English Composition – This course focuses on understanding the ways you read and write through reading small articles and using critical thinking to better understand the Authors and develop a better understanding of yourself. Also helps students realise reading is essential to a better positive education. This course is a core requirement. The big question in class right now is, should a student pursue a liberal education? I am preparing by reading articles justifying why a liberal arts education is more beneficial than any other, also explaining the lies amongst society about a liberal arts education.
Intro To Environmental Issues – The study of our environment, the changes we conduct within it, and what we can do to prevent further damages. This course is also a core requirement, and it also relates to critical thinking about the environment and its a very “hands on” outdoors kind of class. The big question in class right now is, Should the bill to change how lobster fishing is conducted within the state of Maine be pushed forward to save the lives of the Right Whale, or cancelled to save the culture in the state? Right now I am following news articles to prepare for class and help develop my claim on what I think should occur.
Opportunities for success – Helps students develop better ways to learn/study. Helps students become successful in their college careers by creating better study habits, developing active reading skills, and focusing on the root of the problem within yourself that is causing you to disregard studying, and a higher education. The big question now is, how do your emotions affect your education and learning? I am currently reading a book to find more information behind this claim because I feel as if they don’t. I noticed this course seems less “cared for” and “low budgeted” out of my other courses and this one is not a core requirement.
Management – Goes over the basic requirements of a successful manager/leader within a corporation or business. Helps develop public speaking skills through presentations. Also goes into detail on how to become a good employee\follower. This course is not a core requirement and just like my other class it shows. The big question in class right now would be, how does a business’s layout affect the earning’s outcome? Currently, I am researching businesses on their layouts and seeing if it really does affect the amount of products you sell.
The relationship I find between the core curriculum and my classes is they all involve embracing the students opinion through active reading and critical thinking. The core curriculum seems to focus on what the student and teacher feel is required in that course. Throughout my classes you notice more involvement and open mindedness amongst the students. Most of my courses are required and fall under the core curriculum so that’s how they have a connection.