“so what” and “who cares” about Scheuer and Ungar

Brandon Colcord

Professor Frank

English 110

October 18th, 2021

“so what” and “who cares” about Scheuer and Ungar

The writers within the articles claim that without a liberal arts degree and a sense to become an active reader then you will be unsuccessful. They try to convince the reader that above everything a liberal education can expand your outlook on life and expand your knowledge so they are trying to tell us as students and readers that there is no real negative to pursuing this type of education.

The arguments I’ve encountered so far require me to put more thought into my education and ask myself am I doing this “higher education” thing correctly. I care about these debates because I am a student and I am pursuing a liberal arts degree, so when the authors are saying positive and negative aspects of it, it causes me as a student to question and ensure I am receiving the best education possible because that is my right. 

 I believe that my responses to Ungar supports and develops my claim because it shows how although there is misperceptions on receiving a higher education in liberal arts, you need to look past them and see them as what they really are and that is “rumors” made up by people as an excuse not to pursue a higher education.

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