HW #11

Brandon Colcord

Professor Frank

English 110

November 2nd, 2021

Questions For Engaging Nugent and Fountain

  1. I would define climate literacy as a form of knowledge that makes us as students aware of the climate, the role we play, and how our climate affects us based on our actions. I think Ciara Nugent, Brad Plumer, and Henry Fountain are all very climate literate and if everyone was aware of the issues these individuals are, then maybe some of the problems in their articles involving the earth’s environment wouldn’t exist. Personally, I am not very climate literate aside from what is being taught to me in my first year at UNE. I never really learned much about the climate in highschool. We covered the basics like “what causes global warming” but, we never really got into specifics on how close we are to not having a globe at all.
  2. The “climate core” approach would be incorporating classes that specifically cover subjects involved with climate change. The idea is that when students get out of school they will be able to take their education into a specific climate field of study. 
  3. In the “cross cutting” approach Nugent is talking about She is referring to every class incorporating climate change within  the curriculum. Personally I’d prefer this approach because I feel it is everyone’s responsibility to help reduce climate change and this way would provide all students with the knowledge they’ll need to know in order to become an informed citizen and actually play a role in preventing climate change from escalating.
  4. The curriculum at the University of New England I believe they use the cross cutting approach due to the fact all my classes so far have mentioned climate change.  I’m in English class right now relating a liberal education to climate change, if that shows you anything. I am glad I am receiving my education in a way that doesn’t necessarily care about your feelings, not in a disrespectful way but in a way that provides students with information that is terrifying yet needs to be learned.  A course I would be interested in taking that I believe will help me get a different perspective on climate change would be environmental studies because I feel it will provide me with more knowledge required to be able to start making physical changes.

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