Brandon Colcord
Professor Frank
English 110
November 9th, 2021
Questions For Engaging Coates
- I believe it allows him to be himself and express himself as a gay black man in a way that he’s never been able to do before. His level of comfortability grew upon his arrival to Howard. The role curiosity and questioning plays in his freedoms is he will be able to keep pursuing any path he chooses to pursue and he has the ability to think critically.
- Essentially, his theory is that we are displaying history in an inaccurate sense that makes certain cultures look better than others and he believes his culture was done wrongly and that they have rich heritage. However, when he decides to use his endless source of black history in the library at Howard he finds that its hard to find what he’s looking for because of all the different variations of the historical events. Once he digs deeper he does come to find what he was hoping to be true was false, however he loved the complexity of a “liberal education experience” I would call it.
- He uses several names in his writing to support his claims no different than Newstok, he also uses some similar ones like Martin Luther King Jr. for example.
- It suggests that you will be singled out unless you find another way to profit off of another man’s ideas. This is a problem because it doesn’t allow you to express your dreams if you’re living out someone else’s.